Who We Are

Courtesy of a $1 million grant from the Tasmanian Government, the shareholders THA and TICT jointly established a company – Tasmanian Tourism and Hospitality Training Pty Ltd – to support the workforce development and training needs of our hospitality and tourism industries.

We trade under the name Visitor Experience Training, or as we like to be known – VXT. We aim to be contemporary, engaging and relevant to both business and our future workforce.

VXT is a training organisation created with one purpose – to train a hospitality and tourism workforce to deliver the Tasmanian experience. Based in Launceston, we connect industry professionals to prospective workers, offering courses that directly translate into employment.

Why We're Different

VXT is industry-led and outcome-focused. The Tasmanian Hospitality Association (THA) and the Tourism Industry Council Tasmania (TICT) are our shareholders and we have the workforce development and training needs of our hospitality and tourism industries at the core of our program development.

Why We're Here

We know how important skilled people are to hospitality and tourism success, and how their warmth, passion and creativity shape our Tasmanian experience. We want to create a pipeline of skilled, talented, industry-ready people.

In conjunction with industry, VXT is designing training programs across the following priority areas:

  • Cookery
  • Front of house
  • Food and Beverage Service
  • Supervisor/Manager
  • Housekeeping
  • Customer service

Our programs are run across a range of locations taking industry and student needs into consideration.


For Information About Our Vision and Training Courses, Contact VXT Now at 03 6387 7244

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